Becoming a volunteer

KASPIAN was founded on principles of volunteering, thanks to what volunteers become the heart of our work and team.

Občianske združenie KASPIAN spĺňa vyšší štandard kvality manažmentu dobrovoľníkov a dobrovoľníčiek  “S dobrovoľníkmi a dobrovoľníčkami to vieme!”, ktorú udeľuje  Platforma dobrovoľníckych centier a organizácií.


  • Work with children and youth

Become a role model for children and youth in KASPIAN through leisure time activities, interviews, workshops or events of any kind. Direct work is focused on long-term and routine activities, at least 4 hours per week. It is suitable for people from 21 years, who are patient and team players.

  • Expert volunteering

Become an expert volunteer, who helps in specific areas (marketing,IT, graphic,photography,video creation or manual work like painting, constructing, transimssion, cleaning etc.). Mostly one-time activities can also be of long-term nature.

  • Company volunteering

It is designed for companies, which have time and passion to engage in favor of children and youth attending KASPIAN’s programms.